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Spam Flavored Macadamia Nuts

(3 customer reviews)


You’d have to be nuts to mix Spam™ and mac nuts, right?  Well, nobody’s nuttier than us, and the result is one of our all-time bestsellers!   It’s the classic Spam™ that goes crunch.  Presented in the signature “Spam can blue” logo packaging, they are fun munchies, great gifts for friends, and a happy way to remember your visit to Hawaii.


245 in stock


4.5oz Can Spam flavored macadamia nuts

3 reviews for Spam Flavored Macadamia Nuts

  1. Michael Talley

    My 12 y/o son Rex went to Hawaii with his mother recently and when he saw a can of your SPAM Classic flavor Macadamia Nuts he knew he HAD to get them for me! I do love my SPAM, but when I first saw the can I wasn’t too sure about how it would actually taste. Well, I just finished the can and here I am on your website looking for more! They do taste like SPAM, crunchy, yummy SPAM!

    • Duane Puhi

      Aloha, Michael! We are so happy to hear you enjoyed our SPAM flavored mac nuts! They sure are a favorite here in Hawaii too!

  2. Cindy

    You thought you guys were nuts for making Spam flavored Mac nuts? Well I’m even nuttier for first- buying them, 2- eating them and now 3- buying crates of them to pour into my claw foot bath tub to finally bathe in ecstasy. The first moment that nut touched my tongue, I knew I finally found real love.
    Salty. Hammy. Insatiable. Tasty.
    My toes curled under, my fingers clenched, and I exclaimed in guttural satisfaction.

    Thank you for turning my bleak, dull world into one filled with spam Mac nuts.

    They’re all the rage at my Tupperware parties!

  3. David Humphrey

    I have ordered these Spam flavored macadamia nuts several times and I wish they were sold in stores near me. Not only are these my favorite flavor of Hamaku’s, these are great for my keto diet! Healthy and delicious, I’m now obsessed with these and must learn to secret recipe for the seasoning! In the meantime, I’ll just order more!

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